The Science of Writing a Chorus that Gets Stuck in Your Head

If you're a songwriter, you know how important it is to write a chorus that sticks in your listeners' minds. The chorus is usually the most memorable part of a song, and can make or break its success. In this article, we'll explore the science behind writing a catchy chorus that gets stuck in your head.

The Hook

To write a chorus that sticks, you need a strong hook. The hook is the most memorable part of the melody, and usually consists of a short and catchy phrase. The hook should be repeated throughout the chorus to make it easily recognizable and memorable. A good hook is usually simple, yet clever.

For example, the hook in Katy Perry's hit song "Roar" is the phrase "You're gonna hear me roar." The hook in Adele's "Rolling in the Deep" is the phrase "We could have had it all." Both songs have catchy hooks that stick in your head long after the song has ended.

The Melody

The melody of the chorus is just as important as the hook. A good melody should be easy to sing along to and should complement the lyrics of the song. The melody should also have a strong structure with clear phrasing and cadence.

The best way to create a memorable melody is to experiment with different combinations of notes and rhythms. You should also pay attention to the pitch range of the melody, making sure it's not too high or too low for most singers to comfortably sing along to.

The Lyrics

The lyrics of the chorus should be simple and easy to remember. You should try to avoid complex words and phrases that the listener might not understand or remember. The lyrics should also be relatable to the listener and should evoke an emotional response.

A good strategy is to use familiar phrases or clichés that people can easily relate to. For example, the chorus of Taylor Swift's "Shake It Off" uses the familiar phrase "haters gonna hate" to great effect. The phrase is simple, yet relatable and memorable.

The Structure

Crafting a chorus that sticks also requires a solid structure. A typical chorus usually consists of a verse followed by a pre-chorus, which builds anticipation for the chorus, and then the chorus itself. The chorus should be repeated several times throughout the song to make it more memorable.

It's also important to consider the tempo of the song when structuring the chorus. For fast-paced songs, a shorter chorus might work better, while slower songs might benefit from longer, more melodic choruses.

The Production

Finally, the production of the song can greatly affect how memorable the chorus is. A clean, polished production with catchy instrumentation and clever use of effects can make the chorus stand out even more. A powerful, driving rhythm section can also help make the chorus more memorable and impactful.

You should also consider the arrangement of the song when producing the chorus. Adding layers of instrumentation or vocals during the chorus can help make it more exciting and impactful.


In conclusion, writing a chorus that gets stuck in your head requires careful attention to the hook, melody, lyrics, structure, and production. A great chorus should be simple, relatable, and memorable. It should also be repeated several times throughout the song to make it easily recognizable. By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to writing a song with a chorus that your listeners won't be able to get out of their heads.